One-Handed Medieval Swords

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Cold Weapons and Crown Jewels. Swords Served Several Purposes.
Cold Weapons and Crown Jewels. Swords Served Several Purposes.
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Blade, guard, handle, and pommel. Four parts combined into one shiny, breathtakingly beautiful object that has been admired by little boys since the ancient times. We are talking about swords, one of the oldest weapons used by men. From Antiquity…

One-Handed Medieval Swords

Lightweight and well-balanced one-handed swords from various periods of the Middle Ages. The first one-handed swords were used by the Celts and were often used in combination with a shield in the other hand, or for mounted combat. Long blade was ideal for breaking through enemy armour. One-handed swords were well balanced and allowed effective strikes. One-handed sword replicas are suitable for historical battle re-enactments, LARP events or historical fencing.