
Are you interested in the historical weapons? Do you like unusual historical decorations? You will surely be delighted by our beautiful replicas of historical daggers. There are Roman and Greek daggers, Celtic daggers, bollock daggers, stilettos, parrying daggers or even fantasy daggers. You cannot resist this offer!

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The dagger is one of the oldest weapons ever. Daggers existed already in the Old Stone Age. The first daggers were made from flints, wood, bones, horns or semi-precious stones. Copper, bronze and iron daggers began to be made after the discovery of metals.

Daggers are short, sharp stabbing weapons. They (like swords) are classified as bladed weapons. Daggers were used for cutting or as a stabbing weapon. Special fencing was popular in particular time. A fencer was holding a sword in one hand and dagger in his second hand during the combat. This dagger was called Parrying dagger. This type of dagger can also be found in our online store.

Dagger is composed of a blade and a hilt. A hilt consists of  a guard and a pommel. A dagger blade has (usually) two cutting edges along the full length of the blade.

Today's craftsmen are trying to replicate historical originals. Daggers in our offer are made both by European and Asian blacksmiths. You will find here beautiful decorated models of daggers, but also simpler daggers, made after historical originals.

Many different types of dagger replicas are presented right here: Roman and Greek daggers, Celtic daggers, dirks, bollock daggers, baselards, stilettos or rondel daggers. Fantasy daggers are here for fans of fantasy. Beautifully decorative daggers can be displayed in a showcase at your home.