Samurai swords

Are you fascinated by the Middle-Age-Japan - by the time of brave Samurai warriors? They served his ruler faithfully. Their honour meant everything to them. Samurais were armed a.o. with samurai swords (katana, wakizashi and tantō). Exactly this category deals with these samurai swords. We offer you here also Ninja weapons, Kung-Fu weapons and Tai-Chi swords.

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Samurai swords

The daishō is a Japanese term for a matched pair of traditionally made Japanese swords. With the advent of the katana, the wakizashi eventually was chosen by samurai as the short sword over the tantō.

The katana is characterized by its distinctive appearance: a curved, slender, single-edged blade with a circular or squared guard and long grip to accommodate two hands. Katana was the main samurai sword.  Katana began to be used by Samurais in Japan during the 15th century. The wakizashi may become more popular than the tantō due to the wakizashi being more suited for indoor fighting. Evidences are preserved about the custom of leaving the katana at the door of a castle or palace when entering while continuing to wear the wakizashi inside. The tantō dates to the Heian period, when it was mainly used as a weapon but evolved in design over the years to become more ornate. Tantō could be used for defence by common people too.

Typical samurai characteristics were high moral code and honour. Every real samurai had his own samurai swords: katana, wakizashi and tantō. You can find in this category also samurai armour, stands for samurai swords, parts of samurai swords, various samurai accessories and  stuff for  care and maintenance of these swords. You will find all the necessary equipment here.

You will also find decorative and mini samurai swords that will decorate any interior of any flat a young warrior with samurai soul lives. The category Ninja weapons was prepared for fans of the cult of the Ninjas. Categories Tai Chi swords and Kung Fu swords are here for those of you who are looking for a balance of body, mind and soul.