Armour arms
A rerebrace (sometimes known as an upper cannon) is a piece of armour designed to protect the upper arms (above the elbow). Splint rerebraces were a feature of Byzantine armour in the Early Medieval period. The rerebrace seems to have re-emerged in England, in the early 14th century. As part of the full plate armour of the Late Middle Ages and Renaissance the rerebrace was a tubular piece of armour between the shoulder defences (pauldron) and the elbow protection (couter).
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Armor arms
The couter is the defense for the elbow in a piece of plate armour. Initially just a curved piece of metal, as plate armor progressed the couter became an articulated joint.
Vambraces are generally called forearm guards, with or without separate couters. The highest forms of vambraces, in terms of art and utility, were developed in Italy and Germany during the Renaissance in Europe and by the Persian and Turkish armorers during the corresponding time period in Asia. Vambraces remained long in use after the high mark of Renaissance armor in Europe.