Ornamental Samurai Swords

In our offer you will find beautiful samurai swords that can give your home an exotic touch. These are decorative replicas that imitate expensive original samurai swords. Please keep in mind that these samurai sword sets are for decoration only. They are not suitable for combat. Be sure to keep them out of the reach of small children. In reckless handling could namely lead to injury.

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Ornamental Samurai Swords


The cherry blossom the native flower of Japan and the sword are two of the treasures most sacred to the Japanese Samurai Warrior, whose way of life was ruled by the code of Bushido. Through the centuries the Samurai wore attached to the left side of his body, his very sould, the Katana and Wakizashi, long and short sword set known as a DAISHO.

Another weapon of the Samurai was the Tanto, a famous knife, which was used to protect his honor to the extend of a ritual suicide HARAKIRI. The Katana was a fearsome weapon which could be unsheathed with lightening speed and with devastating effect. Both long and short swords were manufactured as matching sets by craftsmen who blended strength of steel with beautiful curvature of blades and matching fittings.