LARP Bow Marksman Rattan Bow

The LARP Bow, out of Rattan, is the absolute top model. Each LARP Bow is an individual, because it is made in pure craftsmanship. Many of the LARP archers appreciate the indestructible LARP bow, which is shoot traditional and in proper style over the back of the hand. More information...

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SKU: bei_1178

LARP Bow Marksman Rattan Bow

Authentic LARP Bow

Ready for Battle

Contrary to some opinions rattan is the perfect material for making bows.

Equipped with a handle of leather, this bow reminds on the LARP bows of the medieval archers, which in the English-speaking area were called marksman / sniper. The bow of a Marksman was not made of rattan, however the bow form corresponds to today´s rattan bow. This may be the reason for the great popularity of this rattan bow by LARP or in the scene of the Middle Ages.

  • LARP Longbow without shelf, suitable for left and right hander
  • Draw weight: 25 lbs, +/-2 lbs, at extension 24 inches
  • Standing height: 5 1/2 - 6 inches

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