Long bows

Are you interested in archery? Would you like to start shooting a bow? If you like more traditional things, so you will be intrigued by long bows more than compound bows (for example). Long bows have a very simple design. But shooting these bows is the most difficult of all types of bows.

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Long bows

Medieval long bows are usually made from one piece of material. They were originally made from one piece of wood – e.g. ash, yew, maple, bamboo, etc. Shooting these bows is instinctive, without the use of sights. They are the oldest and simplest types of bows. The fact that the vertical axis runs through the center of the bow is the characteristic for them. Long bows have a very simple design. But shooting these bows is the most difficult of all types of bows.

Even in these modern times, dads teach their kids how to make their own bow. It is a traditional boys' fun. Handmade bows are very similar to primitive bows from the prehistoric times. For example, African bows are made only from bent trees or branches also today. Bowstring are made from leathers, animal’s guts or strings and attached by tying. Arrowheads are usually poisoned. Maybe, African tribes didn’t need to develop the construction of their bows thanks to the effectiveness of poison.

Long bow were used during different battles in England since the 12th century. Accurate and effective shooting from this type of weapon required regular exercise of archers. Therefore warriors had them at home. Other countries don’t have the courage to arm (probably) their farmers; so long bows were just used as weapons only in England.