Articles: Statuettes

Gods, Rulers, Sacred Objects and Animals

People in ancient Egypt worshipped several deities, including goddess Isis, goddess Bastet and god Horus. The Egyptians did not only worship gods, but also some animals and beetles, such as scarab. People of the North also had their gods. Read more about Thor and his legendary hammer Mjolnir.

Four Ancient Chalices with Fascinating History
Four Ancient Chalices with Fascinating History
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They have attracted treasure hunters as well as avid researchers. Historical chalices were not just beautiful displays of craftsmanship - they also represented fascinating stories that are still popular today. Read more about ancient chalices and…

Loyal Not Only to Arthur: 3 Greatest Knights of All Time
Loyal Not Only to Arthur: 3 Greatest Knights of All Time
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A mere mention of their names was enough to make the enemies as well as noble ladies tremble. In the Middle Ages, knights were elite warriors, superior to most of their enemies in terms of combat skills, strength, valour, courage and righteousness.…
Anubis, the God of the Underworld
Anubis, the God of the Underworld
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Did you come back from your holidays with a mysterious black wolf-like figurine as a souvenir? If so, then read carefully, for it may hold more secrets than you suspect! Anubis, often depicted with a canine head, was the old god of Ancient Egyptian…
Leave nothing to chance. Get familiar with chess essentials before making your first move!
Leave nothing to chance. Get familiar with chess essentials before making your first move!
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The initial moves in chess (“chess openings”) are vital - because the correct positioning of your pieces on the chessboard can secure your success in the game. You should leave nothing to chance and think about your moves ahead. The good way to…
Aphrodite, the Most Beautiful Greek Goddess, Was Quite a Handful
Aphrodite, the Most Beautiful Greek Goddess, Was Quite a Handful
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The Romans knew her as Venus. Prostitutes considered her their patron. The poets called her the Lady of Cyprus. Legend has it that Aphrodite, the ancient Greek goddess of love and beauty, enchanted everyone she met. Let her story enchant you as well!
What is the Secret of the Legendary Weapon from the Nordic Mythology? Discover the Power of the Thor’s Hammer.
What is the Secret of the Legendary Weapon from the Nordic Mythology? Discover the Power of the Thor’s Hammer.
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The sky clouds over, rumbling can be heard from the distance. There is a lightning and power can be sensed from the air. The powerful Thor has returned to the Earth, the most powerful of all the Nordic gods. The son of the highest god Odin holds the…