Articles: Sword-combat

Gear Up for a Historic Battle! We Will Help You Choose the Right Fencing Sword
Are you looking for a sword for historical fencing or LARP events? Use our guide to help you choose the right weapon. You will find out what to watch out for, how to wield the sword and what to avoid.

Sabres in the Napoleonic Wars
Even though the Napoleonic Wars are a long-gone history, many people still find them captivating today. That is hardly surprising. The long period of wars raging across the European continent between the end of the 18th century and 1815 have left a…

Living History, a New Phenomenon Travel Back in Time to Experience the World of Knights and Princesses
Do you also sometimes wonder what it would be like to be born in the Middle Ages, for example? Fans of history know well that life in previous centuries was no bed of roses. Some of us still want to know and experience what it was like. So, what can…

Historical Fencing Is a Combination of Sport and Chivalrous Virtues
Even today, we can hear sounds of a battle and the clanking of swords coming out from castles and chateaux. The men, who pretend to fight in front of a monument’s visitors, run around the courtyard in period clothing. Demonstrations of historical…

Historical Fencing and the Art of Sword Duels
The art of fencing has been very well-known to mankind ever since the ancient times. The main purpose of it was self-defence and fighting. Over time, however, swordsmanship developed due to technological progress into various techniques, dominated…

What Were Musketeers Really Like?
There is probably nobody who has never heard of the famous novel, The Three Musketeers. Athos, Porthos, Aramis and d’Artagnan are arguably the most famous literary characters of all time. Nimble and charming fighters for justice were first depicted…

Swordsmith Pavel Moc
It is a great honour for us to work together with one of the best swordsmiths in Czechia - Mr. Pavel Moc. We took pains to talk this rare and very modest person into introducing himself to the public.

Battle-ready Weapons, Series BATTLECRY
The Battlecry series of historical swords, daggers and axes was developed in collaboration with John Clements. His knowledge of historical swordsmanship and martial arts in the Middle Ages and Renaissance is unsurpassed!

Battle-ready shields
Shields, to which this article refers, are unique products for practical use, such as historical show combats, HMBs (Historical Medieval Battles), Buhurts (brutal “medieval tournaments”) etc. These shileds are very durable and when “commonly used”…

Extract from the HMB Rules for Buhurt
Especially fans of the BOTN (Battle of the Nations) refer to us asking to produce a weapon that complies the HMB (Historical Medieval Battle) / HRMA (Historical Reenactment of the Middle Ages) rules. To orient in these rules better, we compiled this…

Classification of Battle-Ready-Weapons
Battle (show) combats at reenactment, i.e. prearranged choreography and combats with swords and other bladed weapons is more and more popular. A very large selection of different battle ready weapons of different producers and brands are offered in…
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Your questions help us to improve. What is an obvious triviality for one person may be an interesting novelty for another. Don't be afraid to ask. We are here for you! What we don't know ourselves, we ask experts we work with. We then publish the frequently asked questions here. Your curiosity is welcome!
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Frequently Asked Questions
- How much does the shipping cost?
- Since I live in the U.S. am I still required to pay the 21% VAT?
- Do you make custom-sized chain mail armor?
- Can you ship batons, knives, crossbows or bladed weapons to the UK?
- I've inherited a nice weapon from my grandparents. It could be an original. Can you assess its value?
- My glove size is 9. What size of gauntlets should I order if I want to wear padded leather gloves inside?
- I have a store with a product portfolio in which many of your products would fit. Do you sell to resellers?
- I have ordered a sword in your store and would like to order a scabbard now, how?
- Are the delivery dates on the e-shop website guaranteed?
- How do I know whether you have the item in stock?