Crusader sword, cadet size
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Crusader sword, cadet size
Please note: This is just an ornamental item, not intended for real use!
Cross-guard and pommel polished brass with red and white enamel
- Blade made of 440 stainless steel quenched and tempered to 47-51 HRC
- Overall length 750mm
- Blade length approx. 581mm
- Length of the guard approx. 180
- Width of the blade approx. 36.52mm
- Blade thickness approx. 3.32mm
- Weight approx. 966 g
All dimensions are approximate and may vary slightly from piece to piece.
Top branded quality, made by Art Gladius®. Made in Toledo (Spain), in the city with centuries-long traditional of blacksmithing, sword-making and other ancient crafts.
18th November 1055, in Clermont Ferrand, France, Urban II ended up the Council at the cry of God wants it. It was the begining of the Crusades, the Holy War to recover Jerusalem and the Holy places where Jesus Christ lived.
Thousands of people from France, Germany and Italy left their homes, their ownerships and families to take the cross and the sword to go to Jerusalem. The common logo was a red cross worn over one shoulder that is why they were called Crusaders.
Almost 200 years of continuous battles occurred where more than one million people were killed in the name of their Faith.
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