Although the Tinker Viking swords have riveted tangs, Hanwei is nevertheless offering replacement blades for those wishing to either replace a severely worn blade or wishing to build a custom Viking sword. On the other hand, the sharp version is a replacement blade for the sharp version of the Tinker Early Viking Sword, but it can also be adjusted on the blunt format. These replacement blades do not have a thread. The blunt version is a replacement blade for the blunt version of the Tinker Early Viking Sword, but it can also be adjusted on the sharp format. More information...
Tinker Early Viking Replacement Blade
- Blade material: 5160 marquenched spring steel
- Blade length of the blunt version approx. 765mm
- Blade length of the sharp version approx. 784mm
- Blade width max. approx. 50.3mm
- Blade thickness max. approx. 5.3mm
Specs may slightly vary from piece to piece.
The blunt version of the blade, unlike the sharp version, has a wide, threadless tang in case the end behind the pommel needs to be riveted flat.
Premium quality made by Hanwei.