MAA American Spontoon


The spontoon is basically a scaled down polearm or winged spear that often served as a substitute for a rifle or musket in colonial America. Issued in substantial quantity by both sides of every conflict from the French and Indian war (1754-1763) to the War of 1812, it was carried as both a weapon and a badge of rank or authority by commissioned and non-commissioned officers alike. Cold Steel®'s president Lynn C. Thompson became fascinated by the spontoon after reading Tim Willocks' novel The Twelve Children of Paris (3 times!) and decided to make a Cold Steel® model based on historical examples. More information...

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SKU: CST-89MD - 2dily

MAA American Spontoon

Cold Steel® Man at Arms (MAA) American Spontoon

  • Material: 1055 high carbon steel head, ash wood shaft
  • Overall length: approx. 205.7cm
  • Shaft length: approx. 162.5cm
  • Head length: approx. 44.8cm
  • Head width: approx. 23.8cm
  • Total weight: approx. 1511 g
  • Cold Steel® Product No.: 89MD

The blade of Cold Steel®'s spontoon is approx. 27cm long and 4mm thick, with approx. 9cm wings on either side. Designed primarily for thrusting, it's also capable of delivering cuts and slashes while its sharpened wings provide substantial catching and trapping potential as well. Mounted on a stout ash wood pole with a decorative 3 ring socket, it's appropriate for any colonial re-enacting and makes a fearsome stand-alone weapon in its own right.

The medieval man-at-arms was a stalwart and dependable fighter who exhibited great martial prowess with a range of weapons. He was the veteran of many conflicts and was often first into the fray. To honor these rugged, salt-of-the-earth warriors, Cold Steel® has created a range of true journeyman's weapons called the Man at Arms Collection.

These battle-ready weapons may lack the polished silver steelwork of Cold Steel®'s high-end weapons, but they are quite similar in quality and performance. And when well-oiled, they are gleamingly beautiful in their own right.

The Man at Arms collection features a selection of some of Cold Steel®'s finest products, but at a markedly reduced price. If you always wanted a Cold Steel® piece but couldn't afford one, this collection is made for you.

27-Aug 2024
Vladimír Pospíšil
verified review
Docela dobrá zbraň. Ocel je kvalitní a celkově vypadá hezky. Pokud se ale ratiště namočí, tak trochu pouští barvu. Také by se hodila nějaká bodka na konec ratiště. Ale bodka se dá dokoupit a poměrně snadno instalovat, takže to až tak velké mínus není.

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