Replicas from Game of Thrones

The cult fantasy series follows the characters fates of the royal families of Lannisters, Starks and Baratheons, who must survive in an environment of mysterious intrigues and behind-the-scenes machinations. In an extensive story full of betrayal and ambition, love, magic and sorcery, seven noble families fight for the rule and power of the Iron Throne. Among them, political, dynastic and sexual intrigues are commonplace. Embark on the adventure of the Seven Kingdoms through collector's pieces, such as Jon Snow's Longclaw sword. with Valyris steel, save the West from White Walkers!

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Weapons from Game of Thrones: Why Is Valyrian Steel the Best
Weapons from Game of Thrones: Why Is Valyrian Steel the Best
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How familiar are you with the most famous weapons from the Game of Thrones series or books? Let’s talk about the differences between Ice and Needle, and other swords. We will tell you what material they are made of, and why Valyrian steel is so…
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