Arm rings

An arm ring, also known as an armlet or an armband, is a band of metal, usually a precious metal, worn as a jewelry or an ornament around the biceps of the upper arm. The arm ring is similar to a bracelet or bangle, though it must be shaped and sized to fit snugly to the upper arm. Historically, the arm ring was commonly worn by men, and often a ring in bronze age heroic literature would refer to an arm ring, rather than a finger ring.

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Arm rings

With the use of precious materials of jewelery was an arm ring also a valuable property. The bracelet, worn in the form of silver rings, was temporarily means of payment.

The bracelet served as shield on the wrist of the hunter and warrior, and as protection against sword blows. The Celts male warriors wore silver bracelets as a sign of their nobility and of their power position.