Ninja swords Ninjatō

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Ninjas - From Stealthy Secret Agents to Dangerous Warriors
Ninjas - From Stealthy Secret Agents to Dangerous Warriors
Bookmark iconSamurai swords
Legendary warriors from Japan who were able to “disappear” before your eyes. Ninjas have become an integral part of Japanese history and culture. Their skills continue to fascinate people all over the world today! Do you know what they could do?…

Ninja swords Ninjatō

The ninja sword Ninjatō should have been worn obliquely on the back in contrast to the katana of the samurai. This should supposedly allow a greater freedom of movement of the wearer: When climbing and crawl a long sword on the side would have been a hindrance. The reason for this is also the brevity: a longer sword would have been difficult to pull out of the scabbard over the shoulder. Also resulted from this particular sword a different way of fighting than that of the samurai.