Frequently asked Questions: Shipping and Transport

All your questions

How much does the shipping cost?
Hello from the USA! I checked the GLS website and it says that they tried to ship it and it failed. How do I contact them to pick up the package?
If I purchase a mix of made to order items and in stock items, will I be charged a separate shipping charge for the different packages?
Hi, I want to buy this, is it possible to get it to Prague, and pick it up?
I want to place an order; though some items are in stock and others not. Do I have to wait until all of them are in stock or do you send it to me in parts?
Unfortunately, I cannot accept the parcel now, can you dispatch later?
To which address should I send the return?
Are the delivery dates on the e-shop website guaranteed?
I need to receive the order as soon as possible, which carrier should I choose?
The contents of my cart are more expensive than your shipping-free-limit, why isn't the shipping for free?
How do I know whether you have the item in stock?
Can you ship batons, knives, crossbows or bladed weapons to the UK?

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