
Do you need to hurry your naughty horse? Then try it using stylish whip! This tool will look great also in your stable, riding hall or thematic restaurant. You can use it also during making of historical films or period performance. Our leather whips and scourges are quality and precisely made by knowledgeable craftsmen. Choose the right whip for you!

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When it is said "whip", surely you will imagine the atmosphere of the Wild West: hot, chapped soil, dusty roads and sound of cracking the whip. Yes, a cowboy is running his cattle somewhere. Whips were used already in the Neolithic. They served for hunting and cattle breeding. And they are still used to control cattle.

The leather whip sometimes was used as an instrument with magical powers. People chased the clouds, rain and other adverse weather conditions away using them.

If you pass the time with horses, you will need one of our leather whips. They are made with a love for the craft and history. They will serve you well.

Besides leather whip you will find here also next necessary equipment for medieval knights and their horses: beautiful caparisons, horsemen armour, horsemen weapons, riding boots or chamfrons.